
November 8, 2010

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming an EMEAC volunteer. If you haven't already, please take a look at each of our programs to get a better idea of where you may want to help us carry out our mission of advancing environmental justice causes in Southeast Michigan.

Several volunteer opportunities are available. Once you've decided on which EMEAC program(s) would be a good fit for you, please take time to fill out the volunteer information form below. The information will be forwarded to our volunteer coordinator Kim Sherobi and she will follow up with you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, contact Kim at (313) 556-1702 x708 or mail at kim@emeac.org.

Once again, thank you for you interest in helping furthering the cause of environmental justice in the community. To view a list of In-Kind donations we're currently seeking, please visit our Wishlist.

Become a Member

By becoming an EMEAC member, you will help to protect the environment. Your membership dollars make it possible for us to continue our work for clean and healthy air, water, and land. Your support also helps strengthen our voice in Lansing. We invite you to become actively involved.

Membership contributions to EMEAC are tax deductible. Make checks payable to EMEAC and mail to:

4605 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
Start your membership with an online donation via Network for Good

Regular membership dues start at $20.
Students and seniors memberships are $10.

Other amounts are greatly appreciated:
  • $5,000 + - Lifetime member
  • $1,000 - $4,999 - Founding member
  • $500 + a year - Benefactor
  • $100 - $499 - Friends
  • $50 - $99 - Sustainers
  • $10 - $50 - Donor
*For gifts of $50 or more your name will appear on the EMEAC Focus Earth newsletter

All EMEAC members:
  • Receive EMEAC's newsletter, Focus Earth, and other EMEAC publications.
  • Receive Action Alerts on critical environmental issues.
  • Are invited to EMEAC's board meetings and annual public events.
EMEAC is a non-profit, public interest organization founded in 1970 for the purpose of improving the quality of the environment for citizens of southeast Michigan. Today, scientists, lawyers, doctors and other concerned citizens are working together with staff to address environmental issues effectively and professionally. EMEAC provides members with information and opportunities to contribute to these efforts.

Contact Us

East Michigan Environmental Action Council

4605 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201

EMEAC Office:313 556-1702
EMEAC Fax:313 556-1702

Dee Collins
Finance Director
313 556-1702 x704 
Email: Dee

Priscilla Dziubek,
Environmental Educator
313 556-1702 x711
Email: Priscilla

Sign up for our E-Newsletter by adding your Email the form below:

Staff & Board

    Executive Leadership Team (as proposed):

    Darryl Eley Jordan, Senior Organizer

    Darryl has been an organizer for more than 35 years on a variety of issues including health & wellness, hunger and food security, union and labor rights, human rights, peace, diversity/anti-racism/people of color, block club/neighborhood/community organizing, immigration and self determination. Darryl came to EMEAC in 2014 as a senior organizer to work on Just Transition issues such as water, food and land justice and community resilience.  

    Piper Carter, Commons Events Coordinator

    Piper Carter is currently the events coordinator and in charge of new initiatives for the Cass Corridor Commons at EMEAC. Piper currently lives inside the city of Detroit.  She is part of the Environmental Justice Movement in Detroit as well as the Digital Justice Coalition, Maker Space, Food justice, and Entertainment Justice communities.  Her two main initiatives outside of the Commons include The Foundation of Women in Hip Hop and TheStudioArena.

    EMAIL: piper@emeac.org

    Dee Collins, Finance Director

    Dee joined EMEAC in 2012 as Finance Director.  With over 30 years experience in finance and accounting, she has worked for various non-profits in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Dee has also volunteered for numerous churches and non-profits to help with bookkeeping challenges. 

    EMAIL: dee@emeac.org

    Priscilla Dziubek, Environmental Programs Coordinator
    Priscilla is a community activist involved locally in the international struggle for water as a human right, held in the public trust, as a precious resource.  She is coordinator of our inter-generational gardening program, Gardening Angels, and instructs environmental labs within Detroit Public Schools.  She is a master composter and was instrumental in establishing the Barbara Jordan school garden.  Currently, Priscilla is planning gardening activities for the summer months that will involve both students and community seniors. EMAIL: priscilla@emeac.org

    2014 Board of Directors
    • Fred Vitali - Michigan Welfare Rights Organization
    • Dr. Gloria House - Marygrove University, Professor
    • Lencha Acker - Member, First Unitarian Universalist Detroit 
    • Dr. Nick Schroeck - Wayne State University Law School, Professor

      Board of Directors

      • Hugh McDiarmid Jr., President. Environmental Journalistd
      • Victor Arbulu, Treasurer
      • Alfred Defreece - Learning Through Internship Coordinator and University of Michigan PhD Candidate
      • Lisa Oliver-King - Executive Director, Our Kitchen Table
      • Dr. Mike Spencer - University of Michigan, School of Social Work Associate Dean
      • Board of Advisors
      • Adele Nieves
      • Talitha Johnson  - 

      About Us

      EAST MICHIGAN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION COUNCIL (EMEAC) began as a response in the 1960's to environmental concerns in southeast Michigan. Algae blooms were choking out life in Great Lakes and inland waters. Household and industrial wastes were piling up in landfills. Air pollutants were becoming a health issue in many urban neighborhoods and highways and buildings were covering up wetlands and open areas at the urban fringe.

      With the help of our members' continuing support and enthusiasm, EMEAC will continue to pursue its mission: To empower the Detroit community to protect, preserve and value the land, air and water.  We build community power through environmental justice education, youth development and collaborative relationship building.  Detroit is in crisis. In every area of life, Detroiters are under assault: the education system has been dismantled, unions broken, houses foreclosed on, pensions defunded, emergency services selectively applied, streetlights permanently shut off in certain areas, environmental injustices abound, social safety net services defunded, and the will of the people (through democratic processes) denied.

      “There's no such thing as a single-issue struggle, because we don't live single-issue lives.” - Audre Lorde

      EMEAC works across section and with multi-issue struggles because the families we work with are forced to take on multiple systems of oppression in their everyday lives.  Many Detroit families live in poverty, not of their own making, but because our system has failed them. These families have the firsthand experience and insight into how public policy, attitudes and systems must change to raise all families to prosperity.  At the core of EMEAC is our resolve to follow the lead of the community.  Our organization is comprised of community members that have been trained through our political education and organizing workshops and rose to leadership.

      For over forty years, EMEAC has been working in the community, in the courts, in township halls and in schools. We played a role in the enactment of most of Michigan's environmental laws.  Our work is rooted in the principles of environmental justice and in community organizing.  We work to fight environmental racism and extreme energy while building community solutions and resilience inside Detroit: the community where we live, work and play.

      Our Programs Include:


      For more programs information, visit EMEAC Programs.
      For Staff & Board information, visit EMEAC Staff & Board.