DIT’s Ugliest School Yard project nears completion
July 17, 2011
The Greener Schools Program’s Ugliest School Yard Project at the Detroit Institute of Technology (DIT) is nearing completion thanks to the efforts of a group of DIT students, staff, parents and volunteers over the summer. DIT’s Ugliest School Yard Project involves the relandscaping of the school’s entrance and will be completed in August.
“The students decided to landscape their school entrance in hopes to set a more positive tone for the upcoming school year,” said EMEAC’s volunteer coordinator Kim Sherobi who works with the Greener Schools Program. “The particular design was developed by DIT students with the help of M'lis Bartlette, a landscape architect student from the University of Michigan.”
Work began on the project during the school year as part of Greener Schools’ Ugliest School Yard Competition where EMEAC affiliated schools under take landscaping or gardening projects designed to enhance their school’s environment. Similar projects are underway at Norsoma Institute and Palmer Park Academy.
“The efforts of the project participants are going well,” Sherobi said. “At least 10 students have shown up to assist in the development of the project. Throughout the workday, everyone is making comments about how beautiful the design looks. Many drivers passing by have stop to make encouraging comments or give the thumbs up sign.
“Even the DPS police drive by as we are working and smile about our efforts and progress. The work days have given students and staff a chance to build stronger relationships. The teamwork and collaboration has been great.”
Sherobi thanked DIT principal Ms. Kovari and other staff members like Ms. Gligor, Ms. Scott, Ms. Wade and Coach Al for taking time to lend a hand and their commitment to seeing the project through.
“Special thanks should go out to the architect, M'Lis and her partner, Eric, for the guidance during the project,” Sherobi said. “Of course, to Lizzy for believing that the staff and students at DIT could complete the project. Let me not forget all the students, volunteers and any other staff members who helped.”