EMEAC brings EJ presence to DDJC Discovering Technology events
May 15, 2012
EMEAC staff members held space with an environmental justice and
electronic waste recycling station at the most recent Discovering
Technology event of the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition held at the
Museum of Contemporary Arts of Detroit in April. EMEAC Associate
Director Ahmina Maxey, Communications Coordinator Patrick Geans-Ali and
Greener Schools Senior Engagement Program Coordinator Priscilla Dziebek
each contributed to the station which featured an interactive e-waste
trivia challenge, a comprehensive map of recycling centers and live
examples of reused computer hardware.
station was especially relevant at the Discotech because the events are
all about the use of technology, and it is important for us to think
about the afterlife of many of our electronics after we throw them
away,” Maxey said. “The EJ station educated participants about the
magnitude and environmental impact of e-waste, and ways to reduce this
impact through proper recycling – showing participants on a map where
they can recycle their old electronics in Detroit.”

did a great job putting together the example of how to reuse old
computer parts by making them into a desk,” Geans-Ali said. “It really
went well with the e-waste trivia challenge because we could show people
a concrete example of how old computer parts can be creatively
“This was
my second disco tech and it's a lot of fun to see people of all ages so
engaged in learning. I think that's what the diso techs are all about.
It's about de-mystifying technology so that community members feel
empowered with the knowledge they either already have or that they can
learn just like anybody else.”
e-waste trivia challenge focused on educating community members on the
environmentally harmful aspects of electronic waste while looking at
environmentally responsible ways to recycle them.
“It is
very important that EMEAC's members recycle their electronics and not
put them in the trash,” Maxey added. “Electronics contain many materials
that are toxic, environmental contaminants which must be properly
disposed of. These include materials such as cadmium, mercury, and lead.
So in addition to your everyday recycling, please be sure to recycle
your old electronics. For more information about recycling your waste
and e-waste in Detroit you can go to the following website.