East Michigan Environmental Action Council Presents: From the Directors

June 11, 2013

From the Directors #1

 Welcome to From the Directors!

 In an effort to more consistently communicate with members, supporters and allies, my fellow EMEAC co-director, Diana Copeland and I, are creating a space in which to share our thoughts and analyses on a variety of issues that intersect our work, as well as provide updates on new initiatives, collaborations and other organization-wide efforts.

 The video you see here is a short clip from a longer conversation that Diana and I had about the transition to shared leadership. In it, I speak to what led me to EMEAC. Moving forward, we will be posting write ups and/or videos three times per month.

 Please stay tuned for the next From the Director vlog, where Diana and I will discuss the importance of the "shared leadership" model in Detroit organizing!

 Sincerely, Ife Kilimanjaro EMEAC Co-Director