Boo Bug Celebrates 5th Year at Belle Isle

December 13, 2013

Hi, my name is Diana Copeland and I'm the co-director of East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC). I'm going to tell you about our event that took place at the Belle Isle Nature Zoo called "Boo Bug Bonanza."

Boo Bug Bonanza is EMEAC’s annual Fall festivity that we do in partnership with the Belle Isle Nature Zoo of Detroit. EMEAC always offers a variety of healthy food and Fall fun activities that are good for indoors or outdoors. This year, we had several hundred people that came through and did activities with us. Our activities included deer feeding, learning about arachnids, and creating spider art projects.

One of our activities was also a story time, which I helped put together. I told a story to the kids and their families about Coyote and talked a little bit about the origins of storytelling and Coyote as a figure in Native American folklore. I also shared how stories can be used to teach lessons, pass down information about cultures and families, learn about animals that live here in Michigan and just have fun.

During these activities, we had lots of healthy food options available, like a delicious vegetarian chili, hot and cold cider and freshly popped popcorn.

The evening wrapped up with families going around with their Trick-or-Treat bags and getting different healthy treats at different stations around the Belle Isle Nature Zoo. This year's Boo Bug Bonanza was a very successful event, and I'm looking forward to participating again next year.