One Struggle Many Fronts Tour
March 19, 2014
Tuesday March 25, 2014
Cass Corridor Commons
4605 Cass Avenue @ Forest
EMEAC is honored to host the One Struggle Many Fronts tour. This national tour brings two African climate justice activists to join Detroit environmental justice veterans to speak on the local and global connections between climate change, racism and land grabs and economic inequality.
Together, we will share about our organizing efforts and discuss how we can better join in solidarity.
Activists participating in this discussion include Emem Okon, Kebetkache ofthe Women’s Resource & Dev. Center in Nigeria and Mithika Mwenda, from The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance in Kenya.
Join us for this important conversation.
Many thanks to our allies who co-organized this important conversation, including Akua Budu, Malik Yakini, Sam Stark and others.