OP Goals
April 29, 2014
Our Power Goals
The Our Power Detroit convening aims to fulfill the following goals:Our Power Campaign Goals
- Build Relationships: Build relationships, develop the movement and facilitate ongoing communication of youth and young adult frontline community members committed to ecological well-being by sharing vision, analysis, critique, solutions, stories, strategies, victories, challenges and lessons learned.
- Expand the Base: Expand the base of youth and young adult participants and allies in the Just Transition campaign of CJA and evolve the campaign around their participation.
- Share Strategies and Skills: Through grassroots skills-shares, youth leadership and leadership development, intergenerational sharing, popular education and more, we will build our capacity to win on our own terms, building on our strengths.
- Show Our Power: Develop shared action plans and external communications that advance and interconnect local struggles through shared vision, strategies and frames. Support key frontline fights in Southeast Michigan through actions at the gathering, before and beyond, that demonstrates Our Power.

- Highlight and build Our Power Detroit: Highlight Detroit’s strategies for bringing about a just transition locally and beyond.
- Strengthen local leadership: Provide opportunities to expand and support Detroit youth and young adult leadership in environmental and climate justice movements. And create a space for them to strengthen their knowledge, voice and leadership for a movement that requires the participation of impacted community members of all ages for broader and deeper change.