Semester In Detroit Intern Dominique Mathews

April 22, 2014

The University of Michigan has sent us some pretty wonderful Interns over the past few years. And we are proud and honored for this trend to have continued with Dominique Mathews, who wrapped up her time with us last week. Dominique worked closely with the Young Educators Alliance to delve into a variety of social and environmental issues. In her closing interview, Dominique shares a bit about what she learned and experienced. 

We are glad to announce that not only will she soon graduate with a dual major in African American and Women's Studies, but she will also return to EMEAC in June as a Fossil Free Fellow.  When she returns, Dominique will help us continue planning the Our Power gathering, June 27-30, which is a national and local convening--of mainly youth and young adults--aimed at scaling up their leadership in the environmental and climate justice movements.