
Announcing Our Power Detroit 2014

June 3, 2014

Communities United for a Just Transition

Detroit, MI, June 3, 2014– The East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC) will host Our Power Detroit; a 3-day gathering of youth, students and young adults from frontline communities to strategize on how to scale up youth leadership in the Environmental-Climate Justice movements and bring about a Just Transition from an exploitative polluting economy to a just and healthy one.

“We are here. We have genuine concerns about what’s going on in our community. We want to feel empowered and educate other people to combat climate injustices.” -Khafre Sims Bey, Young Educators Alliance, Age: 15

History and experience have taught us that rather than reactively addressing injustices as they arise, we must work to be proactive at co-creating —with impacted people and communities— a transition from a deadly, destructive, dirty economy and fight for the systems, relationships and structures of a ecologically, economically resilient future. The Our Power Detroit gathering will bring together Millennials in Detroit and from around the country to not only highlight Detroit’s victories and struggles, but coordinate community-led action strategies and discuss what their role can and should be among Environmental-Climate Justice movements throughout the nation.

The Our Power Campaign was developed by the Climate Justice Alliance to address the root causes of the climate crisis while creating meaningful work and livelihoods for a majority of the 17 million unemployed people in the US.

Our Power gatherings are an important component of the Our Power Campaign; highlighting “Hot Spot” communities that are home to key grassroots groups who are poised to take on the extreme energy interests while creating grassroots solutions for a just transition that serves our communities, heals the planet, and preserves our cultures. 

Our Power Detroit will be held June 27th – 29th, 2014.

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact
Ife Kilimanjaro at (313) 556-1702 x707 or email at ife@emeac.org.