Community Supports Healing of Sister-Comrade

June 4, 2014

Healing altar created by community members for Charity
Note from EMEAC: On Saturday May 31, Charity was injured in a car accident while in New York city at the Left Forum. 

Organized in just under 24 hours, local activists were able to gather together a little over 60 community members for a Healing Circle & Call for Support for our Sister in struggle, Charity Hicks. It took place at her home base for EMEAC, the Cass Corridor Commons in Detroit on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 at 7pm.

The mood of the event was emotional, yet optimistic, as participants entered the room to soft music on the piano by local artist Rocket. After folks created cards, and other artistic messages for Charity, a Healing Circle was lead by Traditional Health Practitioner/Healer Adela Nieves. Each participant, regardless of religious identity, agreed to be smudged for cleansing and purifying prior to the ceremony beginning. The space was an all-gendered, all-bodied, non-judgmental, intergenerational space which promoted love and healing. Adela placed a beautiful alter representing healing, community, love and life, in the center of the circle and other participants added objects that they felt represented their love for Charity. During the healing circle, four participants called to specified directions (East, South, West, North), harnesting the healing strength of mother earth.  A fifth direction Southeast was presented by Piper Carter, directing the community members to guide their healing energy towards New York, where our Sister lay in a coma in the hospital. Engery was also sent to Charity's family and to our Sister Ife Kilimanjaro, who has remained at Charity's side.

The room was eletric! There was dancing, stomping, singing, instrument playing and shouting out Charity's name! People spoke of their experiences with Charity and about the work that she is so deeply rooted in on every level, including the water shutoffs. Mama Lila Cabil challenged every participant to take up Charity's battle against the water by reaching at least 7 people per particpant and she provided a history of Charity's recent personal struggle against the water department and on behalf of her neighbors. Shane Bernardo spoke honestly and powerfully about the mirror that Charity offers to each of us, as she challenges us to be authentic, and face ourselves.

William Copeland referenced the need to use this time to think deeply about how we apply cooperative econonmics to times like this one and moving forward. Donations were collected in the sum of $1,031.00 to contribute to Charity's expenses and folks were encouraged to continue to share the site, so that donations could continue to be submitted in Charity's honor, recognizing that support cannot be a one time deal.

It was a holistic experience and it was clear that Charity was the driving force of the gathering, from start to finish.