We have been busy this year, thanks to your support!

December 19, 2013

 Dear Friend;

As 2013 comes to a close, we send you well wishes for the new year and invite you to continue your support with a tax deductible donation.
We have been busy this year, thanks to your support!
Courtesy of Anthony Lockhart

We kicked off the year by collaboratively fundraising with staff and friends to support the restoration and replacement of windows in the historic 3-building complex that was gifted to EMEAC by the Unitarian Universalist Detroit church. Together we raised close to $100,000 in grants and donations to reduce energy costs in the complex and invest in an important community resource. The campus houses six community organizations and hosts numerous meetings and gatherings by local, state and national groups and individuals.  We are excited about the work we've done so far and look forward to showcasing the windows, beautiful architecture and woodwork, and more as part of our historic building tour schedule in the new year.
Additionally, EMEAC continued its environmental and climate justice work through the media, youth and policy advocacy teams. For example, our youth team sent young leaders to participate in and lead conversations at the Our Power Camp in Black Mesa, AZ (June), Global PowerShift in Istanbul (July) and PowerShift in Pittsburgh (October). They organized several community report backs and information shares and have been meeting weekly to plan their work in the coming year.

Members, friends and supporters have helped EMEAC create engaging and interactive learning experiences with children and families to deepen relationships with nature and to learn about healthy lifestyles -- characteristics we consider important in creating an environmentally just world.  EMEAC's summer program interns, whose ages ranged from 14 to 19, designed a series of justice superheroes to be used as popular education tools for younger children learning about the many parts of the food system, including access to quality land, water, air and more.

EMEAC staff also continued to work collaboratively with other local, state and national allies to bring about greater awareness of issues facing communities impacted by environmental injustices.  As a steering committee member of the Climate Justice Alliance, EMEAC has worked with other grassroots groups around the country to move toward what we call a Just Transition from heavy reliance on polluting fossil fuels to greater use of more sustainable, renewable forms of energy, while consuming less.

You will be able to read more about our great work in our end of year newsletter (available the end of this week) and in the 2013 Annual Report, which will be sent out the end of January.  

In 2014 we will continue to foster collaborations among environmental and justice groups in an effort to create and support green and just solutions to race, poverty and environmental concerns in southeast Michigan.  With your support we will be able to build space for Detroit and grassroots leaders nationwide to model share, to expand digital justice capacity and cultivate the next generation of earth's caretakers.  We hope that you will help us make all of our programs possible with your gift.  Please click here to donate online or send your contribution to EMEAC 4605 Cass Ave Detroit, MI 48201.

On behalf of the EMEAC staff and Board of Directors we wish you a peaceful holiday season and a Happy New Year.
There is so much to say, but what feels most important is the work we have done and the promise of what lies before us.  Your donation of $50, $75, $100, or more will help support EMEAC's development in environmental justice, media activism, green lifestyles, collaborative leadership.  Please give here.
Thank you from the East Michigan Environmental Action Council Board of Directors: Victor Arbulu, Talitha Johnson, Hugh McDiramid, Bill McKnight, Adela Nieves, Odessa Murphy and Michael Spencer.


CFA Interns Treat EMEAC Staff to Sweet Potato Smoothies

December 18, 2013


We can't believe it's December already! So many wonderful things happened this year, best of all, the work we did with our Catherine Ferguson Academy Interns!

CFA Interns from right to left: Tandra, Angelique, Harlyn, Dunia

We've decided to finish out the year by showcasing the work on healthy eating and sustainable food systems that the young ladies have worked on throughout the semester.  One of the more popular efforts they put together was the Sweet Potato, Apple and Banana Smoothie that they made for the entire EMEAC staff.

Sweet Potato Apple Banana Smoothie
1 medium sweet potato, cooked, unpeeled and cooled
1 cup skim milk, or non-dairy milk (we used Almond Milk), or Apple Cider or combination!
1 small banana
1/2 golden delicious apple, halved 
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg and dash cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice)
1 tablespoon honey or other sweetener, to taste (We used turbinado sugar or agave nectar)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 

2 cups  ice cubes

After the CFA Interns mixed all the ingredients together in the mixer, the Interns then poured the smoothie into cups and delivered them to EMEAC staff throughout the building. Here is how EMEAC's environment educator Sanaa felt about the smoothie!


Updates on EMEAC's Aquaponics Lab

December 17, 2013

We are delighted to report on some exciting developments with East Michigan Environmental Action Council's (EMEAC) newly installed Aquaponics system! Aquaponics is, "a system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic animals supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, which in turn purify the water."

The current EMEAC Aquaponics lab started 3 years ago as a collaboration between Nsoroma Institute and EMEACs environmental education program. This past summer, after the close of Nsoroma, the lab was relocated into the small courtyard at our building, Cass Corridor Commons.

We are currently winterizing the Aquaponics system so it is ready for the long cold Michigan winter! Some of the steps we've taken are as follows:
A hoop house has been fashioned as a temporary experiment on how an Aquaponics system can exist outdoors in a cold climate.   The hoop house works to hold heat, so we will add another layer of plastic and bubble wrap to the hoop house to help keep it even warmer before winter sets in. In addition, EMEAC's building manager, Kim Sherobi, arranged for a dedicated outdoor electrical outlet to be installed. Because of her efforts, we now have three added heaters to keep the water warm.  

We will also be adding plants to the system. We need to add more plants to the system to be sure there is enough filtration to keep the fish water clean.  EMEAC's Aquaponics team travelled to Chicago in October to visit Aquaponics expert, Emmanuel Pratt. While there, Pratt suggested we need more than double the amount of plants than we currently have in our lab. Pratt gave us some seedlings from his operation, and the seedlings will be installed after replacing the leaking pond liner on the second level of the system.
In addition to adding the plants, we will need to add at least one more grow light.  Grow lights will also help keep the plants and hoop house warm.  The downfall of the the particular grow light we use is that is pulls lots of energy. For now, we will use the light  we have and get at least one other grow light for the system and several more energy efficient grow lights for seedlings to be grown in the EMEAC Environmental Lab.

Stay tuned for the next installment of Updates on EMEAC's Aquaponics!


Film Highlights from Green Screen 2013

December 13, 2013

Weren't able to make it to Green Screen 2013? Or maybe you were able to attend, but wanted to revisit some of the films shown that night? You're in luck! Below you will find selected film highlights from Green Screen 2013!

Selected Film Highlights Green Screen 2013

Submission #1 Climate Justice Save the Animals

Submission 4: Distraction News

Submission 2: Strawberry Banana Smoothies at Nsoroma

Submission: 5 What's Poppin?

Boo Bug Celebrates 5th Year at Belle Isle

Hi, my name is Diana Copeland and I'm the co-director of East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC). I'm going to tell you about our event that took place at the Belle Isle Nature Zoo called "Boo Bug Bonanza."

Boo Bug Bonanza is EMEAC’s annual Fall festivity that we do in partnership with the Belle Isle Nature Zoo of Detroit. EMEAC always offers a variety of healthy food and Fall fun activities that are good for indoors or outdoors. This year, we had several hundred people that came through and did activities with us. Our activities included deer feeding, learning about arachnids, and creating spider art projects.

One of our activities was also a story time, which I helped put together. I told a story to the kids and their families about Coyote and talked a little bit about the origins of storytelling and Coyote as a figure in Native American folklore. I also shared how stories can be used to teach lessons, pass down information about cultures and families, learn about animals that live here in Michigan and just have fun.

During these activities, we had lots of healthy food options available, like a delicious vegetarian chili, hot and cold cider and freshly popped popcorn.

The evening wrapped up with families going around with their Trick-or-Treat bags and getting different healthy treats at different stations around the Belle Isle Nature Zoo. This year's Boo Bug Bonanza was a very successful event, and I'm looking forward to participating again next year.

Young Educators Alliance Report Back on Power Shift Conference

On December 3rd, 2013, EMEAC's Young Educators Alliance and Re-Media program hosted a community report back where they detailed different trips each group has taken to different conferences  in the past year. YEA focused on their trip to the Power Shift Conference in Pittsburgh. EMEAC's Youth director, William Copeland, put together this quick clip for those who couldn't attend the report back in person! We also live tweeted the event. For live tweeting coverage of events and environmental news, you can follow our twitter feed at: twitter.com/emeac


YEA hosting report back December 3rd at 6pm

November 27, 2013

YEA in the building Yaalll!!! Come check us out December 3 at 6pm where we will give you a full report back on our experience at the Powershift conference in Pittsburgh PA and how it felt to be facilitators at the Great Lakes Bioneers conference. Be sure to save the date to hear from young people and how we're taking over!!!!

Check out this video invitation from YEA!


East Michigan Environmental Action Council's #GreenScreen2013 Winner: Pushing Fossil Fuels

November 9, 2013

Siwatu Salama-Ra
East Michigan Environmental Action Council is extremely excited to announce #GreenScreen2013's official winner is "Pushing Fossil Fuels," a film created by Detroiters, Siwatu Salama-Ra and Noelle Frye.

Salama-Ra and Frye's film showcases the importance of understanding where fossil fuels come from and how much fossil fuel is still available for use (13%).

Salama-Ra' and Frye's film is generously sponsored by the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network, and can be seen below!

Thank you to all who submitted films, and stay tuned, we'll be posting more entries here soon!

Submission 6: A Hustle is a Hustle is a Hustle from divinespeech on Vimeo.

Land Rights Ag and Farmers

October 22, 2013

Resources on Land Rights, Agriculture and Farmers (US-Focused, mainly)

Blain Snipstal on food sovereignty, land and power (11/2013). A video in which returning farmer, Blain Snipstal, speaks on the history of farming, his experiences and more. Posted 11/5/13.

Nitrogen fertilizer remains in soils and leaks towards groundwater for decades (10/21/13). Scientists in France and at the University of Calgary found that nitrogen fertilizer applied to crops lingers in the soil and leaks out as nitrate for decades. Posted 10/22/13.

Study Shows Soil-Building Benefits of Organic Practices (5/28/13). An article posted on the Sustainable City Network's website summarizes a study that finds that using organic practices builds healthy soil and sequesters carbon, making organic agriculture a useful strategy for dealing with climate change. Posted 5/31/13.

Significant Dates on Black Land Loss and Land Acquisition. A timeline by the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund. Posted 5/6/13.

Discrimination at USDA: Response to New York Times (5/1/13). An article by Susan A. Schneider, Professor of Law and Director at the University of Arkansas School of Law. Posted 5/6/13.

Resources on Land Rights, Agriculture and Farmers (International)

Family farming vital to ensure world food security (1/13/14).  The United Nations recognizes the importance in family farming to the world. Posted 1/13/14.

Utopia's for Africa (May 2013). An article in Slow Food International's newsletter on landgrabbing in Africa that provides quotes from a dialog between Slow Food's president Carlo Petrini and Sefano Liberti, journalist, documentary filmmaker and author of Landgrabbing: Journeys in the New Colonialism.

Harakles Exposed: The truth behind Herakles Farms false promises in Cameroon. Summary of a report released by the Oakland Institute in September 2012 entitled Massive Deforestation Portrayed as Sustainable Investment: The deceit of Herakles Farms in Cameroon. The report exposes the significant discrepancies between how the company has represented the project to the public. Posted 5/22/13.

Leaked ProSAVANA Master Plan Confirms Worst Fears (4/30/13). A post on GRAIN's website that raises concerns about a recently released plan for the ProSAVANA programme that confirms the government's of Japan, Brazil and Mozambique are secretly paving the way for a massive land grab in Northern Mozambique.

Toxics and Health

Children face asthma risk if moms exposed to legacy pollutants (11/4/13). New research coming out of Denmark concludes that children exposed en utero to 2 commonly used chlorinated chemicals are more likely to develop asthma later in life. Posted 11/4/13.

Common insecticides may be linked to kids' behavior problems (10/31/13).  Commonly used insecticides may be associated with behavior problems in children. Posted 11/4/13.

Cadmium, Mercury and Phthalates--Oh My! (5/1/13). A blog post by Kathleen Schuler on the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy website. It reveals that over 5,000 children's products contain toxic chemicals linked to cancer and hormone disruption. Posted 5/13/13.

The Vinyl Plastics Industry: One of the biggest users of mercury in the world (5/6/13). A post by Mike Schade on Backyard Talk, a blog linked to the Center for Health, Environment and Justice that focuses on environmental health and justice. Posted 5/6/13.

EPA Takes Action Against Violators of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (5/2/13). A press release by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announcing 17 enforcement actions for violations of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting rule. One Detroit-area company was listed among the violators. Posted 5/9/13.

Resources on Food and Food Justice

Severe floods 'threaten food security', say farmers and environmental groups (2/8/14). Severe flooding in southern and western parts of the UK are expected to threaten food security. The issue is much broader than the UK and the issues raised in this article can be applied to other regions. Posted 2/10/14.

Track record mixed for GE crops (10/19/13).  Journalist contends that environmental impacts of genetically engineered crops vary depending on the types of genes added to each crop and the traits those genes confer. Posted 10/22/13.

Land & Sovereignty Brief No. 3 - The Great Soy Expansion: Brazilian Land Grabs in Eastern Bolivia. (9/10/13). "In the last two decades, the best agricultural lands in Bolivia have been put into commercial production by large-scale producers closely linked to foreign investors, particularly Brazilians. Posted 9/12/13.

U.S. Staple Crop System Failing from GM and Monoculture (7/10/13).  This article summarizes a new study that shows that the U.S. Midwest staple crop system - predominantly genetically modified - is falling behind other economically and technologically equivalent regions. Posted 7/12/13.

Urban Farming. PBS pilot episode of a show that highlights the benefits and challenges of urban gardening. Posted 7/12/13.

Seeds of Death. A movie that documents the dangers of genetically modified foods. Posted 7/3/13.

Study Shows Soil-Building Benefits of Organic Practices (6/25/13). Article cites a recent study that reports organic crops build healthy soil and sequester carbon, making organic agriculture a useful strategy for dealing with climate change. Posted 6/27/13.

The Economic Consequences of Cutting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (3/19/13). This site provides links to reports by the Center for American Progress that show the economic impact of cutting SNAP benefits.

Monsanto Is Currently Testing GMO Wheat In Two States (6/3/13). A strain of GMO wheat was discovered on an Oregon farm 8 years after Monsanto reported that it stopped field-testing its GM wheat. Posted 6/6/13.

Building a Racially Just Food Movement (4/7/13). Detroit Black Community Food Security Network's ED Malik Yakini writes that the effectiveness of movements for food sovereignty is rooted in engaging communities and more. Posted 6/6/13.

Monsanto and The Farm Bill: Big Ag Just Keeps Winning (5/24/13). A blog post by Praxis Project on the ways big ag continue to win while the rest of us have to subsist on what remains. The author provides several links to additional information. Posted 5/28/13.

New Analysis of Wikileaks Shows State Department's Promotion of Monsanto's GMOs Abroad (5/20/13). A blog post by Leslie Hatfield on Huff Post Green that discusses a report by Food & Water Watch that sheds light on the U.S. government's promotion of agricultural biotechnology abroad. Posted 5/23/13.

Online Planning Tool Aids in Developing Local Food Systems (8/15/12). Summary by Candace Pollock about a tool developed by researchers at Virginia Tech, North Carolina A&T and North Carolina State University. Posted 5/16/13.

The Problem with Walmart's Hunger Games (5/1/13). An Op-Ed by Anna Lappe that critiques Walmart's annual anti-hunger competition as being more about winning favor with the public than addressing hunger; on the contrary, it deepens poverty with its practices.

Doubts Surface about Safety of Common Food Additive, Carrageenan (3/18/13).  An article by Monica Eng in the Chicago Tribune about carrageenan, a commonly used food additive that has been linked to colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and higher rates of colon cancer. Posted 5/13/13.


Submit Student and Youth Produced Short Films to 7th Annual Green Screen!

October 15, 2013

Teachers, educators and organizers are invited to submit student and youth produced short films to the 7th annual East Michigan Environmental Action Council’s youth environmental film festival, Green Screen. Entry deadline is October 31, 2013.

Green Screen provides a forum where students and youth from across southeast Michigan and beyond can showcase their short films with environmental themes. These films allow young filmmakers to express what they think is most crucial to their health and to the natural environment. Past films have focused on the the importance of recycling, the Detroit Incinerator, lack of grocery stores in particular neighborhoods and why the quality and health of dirt is so essential to the quality of food that can be grown.

By using media as a means of spreading a youth centered message about the environment, EMEAC hopes to challenge and redirect the current corporate dominated narrative centered on “going green.”  Beyond simply receiving messages, youth can create media  messages that tell our own community and individual stories and encourage dialogue on issues facing us today via information channels that are becoming more and more commonplace as a means of sharing experiences.  

As defined by EMEAC’s Media Director, Lottie Spady, “Youth are dangerously disconnected from an accurate narrative that unpacks our relationship with and impact on the environment. EMEAC’s environmental justice media work has centered around the development of a working knowledge of the role that the media plays in shaping attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors about environment through media literacy, deconstruction, and reconstruction of media messages. Youth-produced environmental media provides a platform for their collective voice and opinions as well as educational opportunities for peers and the public through the creation of media campaigns, local documentaries, and multi-media presentations.”

While the topic range is very broad, there are guidelines every Green Screen entrant must follow:
  1. Films may be up to 5 minutes in length.
  2. Film must be about an environmental issue facing your community, city or county.
  3. Topics may include but not limited to;
    1. Environmental health
    2. Alternative energy
    3. School bus emissions
    4. Urban sprawl
    5. Brownfields
    6. Recycling
    7. Climate change
    8. Stream and wetland protection
    9. Trash/ recycling

  1. Film must be suitable and appropriate for an audience of all ages. Films that promote violence will not be accepted.
  2. There are no restrictions on the art form of your film. Films may be live action, animation, claymation, still photography or any combination.
  3. Entry must be in Mini DV or Quick Time movie file on a DVD
  4. Entry must be labeled with film, title, filmmaker's name, e-mail and phone number.
  5. Participants must fill out and return an application form.
Selected films will be shown from 3:00pm-6:00pm, Saturday, November 9th in the D. Blair Theater of the Cass Corridor Commons at 4605 Cass Avenue, Detroit.

The films are judged for cinematic merit, relevance to Southeastern Michigan, and creative messaging.  A panel of judges consisting of independent directors, environmental activists, youth activists, and journalists will use a judging rubric to help guide their decisions.

Anyone interested entering a film for Green Screen 2013, sponsoring a film, volunteering or making a donation of support should call 313 354-4469 or stay tuned to www.emeac.org and twitter.com/emeac for continuing updates on the Green Screen 2013. You can also follow hashtag #GreenScreen2013.


General EJ Issues

September 3, 2013

This page is being constantly updated! Be sure to check back regularly for latest updates on general environmental justice news!

Chemistry getting greener at Michigan companies, universities (12/18/13) Article about movement to make chemical manufacturing more environmentally friendly and how its gaining steam and turning Michigan into a national leader. (12/18/13)

Guess Who's Playing In The Super Bowl: Renewable Energy (12/4/13) Short but interesting article about PSEG (Public Service Energy Group) partnering with the NFL Environmental Program to provide the green power for Super Bowl XLVIII, the first Super Bowl held in the New York-New Jersey metro region. Posted 12/18/13

Grand Rapids environmental advocates join fellow lobbyists against Kellogg's Corporation (11/22/13) Article about the efforts of local environmental advocates, businesses, community organizations, and universities, with other groups across Michigan to lobby against Kellogg's questionable partnership with palm oil giant Wilmar International. Posted 12/18/13.

Michigan town looks forward to cleaning up mess left behind by chemical company (10/17/13). This news article speaks to the struggles residents of St. Louis face because of lingering impacts of chemical dumping by a company that has since moved. Posted 10/18/13.

Dioxin Levels in Food - Where's the beef? A blog post about a report by the U.S. EPA on levels of the toxic substance, dioxin, in the food supply. Its presence in the food supply exceeds safe levels. Posted 6/20/13.

Why Environmental Justice is Everyone's Issue (6/24/13). This article seeks responses from several environmental justice leaders on the question: Why is environmental destruction of residential neighborhoods allowed to happen in low-income and communities of color? Posted 6/25/13.

Environmental Regulations are $500 billion Risk to Shipowners (6/4/13). This article raises the fundamental issue critics of capitalism have: it values profit (money/wealth) over the lives and health of humans, plants, animals, ecosystems and the environment as a whole. Posted 6/6/13.

The Rise of the Native Rights-Based Strategic Framework (5/22/13). An article by Clayton Thomas-Muller discusses a variety of concerns with the environmental groups often at the table with policy makers. He discusses how most of the mainstream climate groups are not movement building groups, but policy oriented, which means that they see power as residing in the hands of legislators and not the people themselves. Posted 6/3/13.

Environmental Justice: The invisible hand and the invisible man (6/3/13). Article authors Cheryl Little and Michael Hancox offer market-based solutions to benefit environmental justice communities. Posted 6/3/13.

Innovative Approaches to Improving Health Outcomes in Environmental Justice Communities. This white paper includes innovative strategies used around the country to tackle the challenges faced by environmental justice communities. Note: to download the white paper, you will need to input an email. Posted 6/3/13.

Toxic Chemicals: A new push to get a grip (5/30/13). An NPR radio broadcast in which guest presenters reveal the weaknesses in regulations on toxics. On this webpage are links to additional materials on toxics. Posted 6/3/13.

Why Aren't Environmental Groups Divesting from Fossil Fuels? (5/2/13). Naomi Klein raises concerns that some of big green's most powerful players still invest in energy companies. Posted 6/3/13.

UN: Accelerating Biodiversity Loss a 'Fundamental' Threat to the "Survival of Humankind' (5/28/13). Andrea Germanos from Common Dreams reports on concerns raised by Zakri Abdul Hamid, founding chair of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, during the 7th Trondheim conference in Norway. Posted 5/31/13.

A River Runs Through It (5/22/13). Paul Greenburg reports on how the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is the result of decades-long U.S. agricultural practices and investigates some of the promising solutions to fix its future. Posted 5/28/13.

Talking Garbage (5/23/13). Despite efforts to eliminate and reduce the amount of garbage being dumped into the sea from ships, up to 10 tons of garbage are still being deposited per mile of coastline each year. Posted 5/28/13.

NY's Toxic Disposal of Mercury Thermostats (4/18/13). An article by Dan Telvock in Investigative Post on New York's contamination of the environment with mercury. Posted 5/23/13.


U.S. shouldn't be enabling a destructive industry (2/8/14). An Op-Ed in which the author critiques the State Department's report on the environmental impacts of the Keystone XL and the justification for its construction. Posted 2/10/14.

Oil and Water: Tar sands crude shipping meets Great Lakes? (11/20/13). A recently published report cites gaps in the region's oil spill prevention and response measures. A link to the full report is at the bottom of the page. Posted 12/2/13.

Environmentalists demand new climate analysis for Keystone XL (6/27/13). Six environmental advocacy groups are calling for the State Department to redo an earlier assessment of Keystone XL's climate analysis. Posted 6/27/13.

Toxic Tar Sands: Profiles from the Front Lines. A publication by the Sierra Club that highlights people impacted by tar sands extraction and processing. Posted 6/13/13.

TransCanada Whistle-blower Warns of Shoddy Pipeline Practices (6/11/13). A news article that reports on a former employee of TransCanada Corp., the Canadian company leading the proposal for the Keystone XL pipeline, who testified before the Canadian Senate committee last week about its culture of noncompliance and coercion with practices that ignored legally required regulations. Posted 6/11/13.

Beyond Protest: First Nations Community Seeks Alternatives to Tar Sands Destruction (6/6/13). Clayton Thomas-Muller writes on his experience participating in the sacred Healing Walk, organized by teh Athabasca Keepers of the Water in For McMurray, Alberta (Canada). Posted 6/6/13.

Tar Sands Healing Walk July 5-6, 2013. A video spotlighting a gathering of First Nations and Metis in a Healing Walk focused on healing the environment and the people suffering from tar sands expansion. Posted 6/6/13.

Alberta First Nations Band Wins Right to Trial Over Oil Sands' Effect On Treaty Rights (6/4/13). The Beaver Lake Cree Nation argues that the so-called cumulative effect of oil sands and other industries such as mining and forestry violated their treaty rights. Posted 6/6/13.

Keystone XL Decision Will Define Barak Obama's Legacy on Climate Change (2/22/13). An old article that provides useful information about the dangers of tarsands oil extraction and refining. Posted 6/6/13.

Map: Another Major Tar Sands Pipeline Seeking U.S. Permit (6/3/13). Enbridge, Inc. is quietly building a 5,000 mile network of new and expanded pipelines.  The plans have escaped scrutiny because expansion has proceeded in segments.  Posted 6/6/13.

Tar Sands Supporters Suffer Setback as British Columbia Rejects Pipeline (6/3/13). Canadian province rejects plan for Enbridge Northern Gateway, saying the company failed to demonstrate adequate clean-up plan. Posted 6/3/13.

Lobbyists for Canadian Pipeline have deep ties to White House (5/31/13).  Pratap Chatterjee writes in CorpWatch that TransCanada and the provincial government of Alberta are paying former advisors to the Obama administration to help them lobby for the Keystone XL pipeline. Posted 6/3/13.

The Sticky Problems with Tar Sands (9/2/11). Christen Conger provides some basic important facts about tarsands. Posted 6/3/13.

Keystone questions persistent in U.S. (5/31/13). Trent Wilkie of the Sherwood Park News writes that Dave Quest, member of the Legislative Assembly of Strathcona-Sherwood Park (Canada), expresses frustration in what he believes is the lack of knowledge about what is going on with the oilsands and the pipeline. Posted 5/31/13.

Day 1: Spotlighting Crystal Lameman, Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Canada (11/12/12). An interview with Cree activist Crystal Lameman during a delegation the Nobel Women's Initiative led in October 2012 to the tar sands of Alberta, Canada. Video embedded in article. Posted 5/23/13.


Clean Energy - Extreme Energy (local/national)

Nuclear waste solution seen in desert salt beds (2/9/14).  The U.S. Department of Energy is now storing nuclear waste in underground rooms carved out beneath dried up salt beds. Posted 2/10/14.

Nusbaum: Dangers will come over time (1/15/14). Guest columnist and board certified neurologist E. Daniel Nusbaum writes about the dangers of pyrolosis, a form of trash burning that generates fuel for electricity. Posted 1/17/14.

Ripe for retirement: an economic analysis of the U.S. coal fleet - 2013 update. Updates to an earlier report demonstrates that as many as 329 coal-fire power generators in 38 states are no longer economically competitive when compared with more clean facilities. Posted 12/10/13.

Environmentalists press Detroit to stop incineration (11/20/13). Representatives of Zero Waste Detroit coalition contend that incineration is not a renewable source for energy, but one that is harmful. Posted 12/2/13.

Several articles on the dangers of hydraulic fracturing are shared here. Posted 11/13/13.
   Tiny Minnesota city draws a line in the frac sand boom
   Oklahomans claim fracking waste polluted their water
   North Dakota's salty fracked wells drink more water to keep oil flowing

Push for ethanol production carries cost to land (11/12/13). Clearing the land to grow corn for ethanol production has proven more harmful to the environment than politicians are willing to admit. Posted 11/13/13.

New research provides evidence of coal dust escaping from trains (11/4/13). Preliminary findings released indicate that coal dust remains in the air after passing through an area. Posted 11/5/13.

Coal industry's go-to law firm withheld evidence of black lung, at expense of sick miners (10/29/13). In this report, attorneys and law firms that have served and protected the coal industry at the expense of legitimate claims are exposed. Posted 11/4/13.

FACT SHEET: Trash Incineration ("Waste-to-Energy"). Mike Ewall from Energy Justice Network prepared a fact sheet about the burning of garbage for energy production. Posted 11/4/13.

Michigan, EPA rules for coal ash piles under debate (11/1/13). Apparently Michigan's handling of toxic coal ash is too loose for the feds standards. Posted 11/3/13.

As experts recognize new form of black lung, coal industry follows familiar pattern of denial (11/1/13). A new form of black lung disease that results from inhalation of coal dust is diminishing people's lives; however because it is new, the coal industry denies any culpability.

Coal industry, Hill allies target fine print of Obama climate plan (9/3/13). Article by the Center for Public Integrity provides an overview of coal supporters efforts to undermine any efforts by the EPA to regulate emissions.

Wisconsin waters threatened by tar sands crude oil expansion (7/4/13). An Op-Ed in the Journal Sentinal online. Posted 8/11/13.

Fervent foes devote their lives to fracking fight (7/4/13). Residents of southern New York have been fighting industry to tap into its rich Marcellus Shale deposits. Posted 7/30/13.

Cement industry is the most energy intensive (7/3/13). The cement industry is "the most energy intensive of all manufacturing industries, with a share of national use roughly 10 times its share of the nation's gross output of goods and services." Posted 7/30/13.
Here are two articles about individuals at the US EPA "giving advice" to Japan allowing HIGHER risks than for radioactive cleanup levels that the EPA allows in the US and the push by such folks to legalize weaker radioactive protection in the US via Protective Action Guides. Does the U.S. Advice on Disposing Fukushima Waste Apply Back Home? and EPA Documents Raise Doubts Over Intent of New Nuclear-Response Guide.

What is the best disposal option for the "Leftovers" on the way to Zero Waste? This is a summary of a study that explored methods for managing mixed-waste residuals to reduce the harm and risks to public health and the environment to identify the best one. Posted 7/3/13.

Burning Recycling (May 2013). A resource guide from the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives on the problems incineration pose for the environment and human health. Posted 6/27/13.

Waste to Energy a Health Hazard? (6/21/13). An article in which attorney Mike Ewall, Co-Director of Energy Justice Network speaks on the toxics released by waste-to-incineration schemes. Posted 6/26/13.

Coal-Fired Power Plants: Understanding the Health Costs of a Dirty Energy Source. An article published by Physicians for Social Responsibility. Posted 5/29/13.

How much of your "clean, renewable" energy comes out of a smokestack? (10/4/11). An analysis of what is considered renewable energy, with a particular focus and critique of biomass incineration. Posted 6/20/13.

"Renewable" biomass power cuts forests, pollutes the air, drains rivers and worsens global warming. Posted 6/20/13. A fact sheet giving specific examples of the environmental impacts of biopower.

Clearcut Disster: Carbon Loophole Threatens U.S. Forests (6/10). A report by the Environmental Working Group on the role of biomass in the Waxman Market energy bill and how it would blow the carbon cap out of the water. Posted 6/20/13.

Coal-Fired Power Plants: Understanding the Health Costs of a Dirty Energy Source. An article published by Physicians for Social Responsibility. Posted 5/29/13.

An Anti-Biomass Movement Beyond Borders [The Biomass Monitor] (5/15/13). A blog post by Josh Schlossberg on Energy Justice Network's website. Josh discusses the growing anti-biomass movement among grassroots organizations. Posted 5/16/13.

News -- Job Creation in Muskegon and Michigan is the Goal of New Energy Center Partnership, members say (5/7/13). An announcement summarized by Dave Alexander in All Michigan about a budding partnership to develop the alternative energy industry in Muskegon that may lead to jobs. Posted 5/9/13.

Clean Energy - Extreme Energy (global)

Red Lake Direct Action to stop Illegal Enbridge Pipeline (3/12/13). A video that shows a group, led by the Red Lake Band of Chippewa, opposing the expansion of the Enbridge pipeline. Posted 6/20/13.

History of Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste through the Eyes of Mr. Hakan Rylander (4/19/12). An interview with the former President of International Solid Waste Association reveals that there are no environmental/climate benefits of gasification unless inputs are homogenous; this isn't the case, however, no matter how much pre-treatment happens. Posted 6/11/13.

No Public Hearings Possible on Coal Terminal Expansion, Says Port Authority (6/4/13). In this article we are able to see that pass-the-buck dance that corporations and their government agency-supporters do when the public raises tough questions about the policies and practices that impact the health of the environment, people, and more. People are calling for public meetings, but are being denied. Posted 6/6/13.

Summary of the second Research Program on Particulate Matter (5/29/13). This paper reports that a major source of particulate matter, which includes soot and heavy metals, is traffic. And concentrations of soot and heavy metals are 2-3 times higher along busy streets and roads in the Netherlands. Soot and heavy metal have higher negative effects on human health than other components of particulate matter. Posted 6/3/13.

News -- Atmospheric Carbon Levels Hit Record High (5/10/13). A statement by the Union of Concerned Scientists on the unprecedented amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Posted 5/13/13.