“WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY”, A Fundraising Event With East Michigan Environmental Action Council

April 30, 2013

(Photo courtesy of photographer Anthony Lockhart)

East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC) invites members of the community to celebrate the start of the “Windows of Opportunity” fundraising campaign with a local wine and cheese tasting on Friday May 10 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. For tickets and RSVP please go to emeac.eventbrite.com call or email: 313-556-1702, dee.emeac@gmail.com

East Michigan Environmental Action Council and their partners at the Commons are kicking off a fundraiser to restore and replace the windows at the historic Cass Corridor Commons/Unitarian Universalist building at 4605 Cass Avenue where their offices are quartered. This community celebration will be held at the Commons and feature locally made cheese, wine and entertainment. Guests will have the opportunity to tour the Commons and learn about EMEAC’s 40 year history as an environmental justice organization serving the needs of Detroit and Southeast Michigan. Community activist and author, Dr. Ife Kilimanjaro, will also be officially announced as the new co-director of EMEAC.

The money raised through this fundraiser will be used to replace aging and broken windows throughout the Detroit landmark which is made up of three buildings, including the Unitarian Universalist Church, McCollestor Hall and the Paul McAdow House built in 1891. The house was used as a private residence until 1913, when it was sold to the First Universalist congregation, the Church used it as a place of worship for three years until the church was completed, after which the house was used as a parish house.

The Unitarian Universalists have a long history of hosting community stabilizing events and groups throughout its existence such as the Women’s Wisdom Institute, the Red Door Theater, the Women’s Coffee House and the Women’s Poetry collective. As gentrification intensified in the Cass Corridor area, however, the Church found it harder and harder to keep their doors open. In 2011 the Church donated the buildings to EMEAC. The transition of the buildings from the Church to “The Commons” has allowed the traditional community based values of the Church to be carried on through the organizing work of EMEAC.

EMEAC’s media director, Lottie Spady remarks that the Commons is, “built around the concept of things that we collectively own in community like libraries and public spaces, community resources that must be protected and managed for the good of all.  We intentionally went back to the Cass Corridor concept. There is a piece of history there. It's a manifestation of the relationships that we've been growing over the past several years. This is the realization of a dream. This is in many ways the outcome that is supposed to happen when you work with community."

After EMEAC accepted stewardship of the building, the work of making updates and repairs to the buildings began. But with this work came the realization that additional community support would be the only way to raise enough funds to complete the many repairs and replacements. The fundraiser goal is $10,000, all of which will be matched by a challenge grant from the Smartbuilding grant program. Through the challenge grant, every donated dollar will actually equal two.

Replacing and restoring the decades old windows allows a tremendous cost savings for EMEAC, and the environment as well, as EMEAC co-director, Diana Copeland states, “This window campaign seems like fitting way to launch our new vision! This will save tremendous energy. Many of the windows are cracked or the window seals and trim are rotted through. It will be an uplifting accomplishment for EMEAC and beautiful improvement for these historic buildings.”

EMEAC’s board and staff have committed to raising funds through their own individual online fundraising pages, all of which can be found at https://www.firstgiving.com/emeac. Donations can also be sent to : EMEAC, 4605 Cass Ave., Detroit Mi 48201

All people who make donations will also receive thank you gifts:

ANY amount = EMEAC sticker
$20 or more = EMEAC membership + sticker
$50 or more = EMEAC sunflower starter kit + membership
$120 or more= EMEAC tshirt + membership
$500 or more= name or dedication on the tiled EMEAC mosaic + membership

East Michigan Environmental Action Council began as a response in the 1960's to environmental concerns in southeast Michigan. A cornerstone of EMEAC's formation was the belief that informing the public about environmental issues would lead to solutions to environmental problems. Founding members and staff established an organization that would always predicate its public information and advocacy on careful research. With the help of our members' continuing support and enthusiasm, EMEAC will continue to pursue its mission to empower the Detroit community to protect, preserve and value the land, air, and water. We build community power through environmental justice education, youth development, and collaborative relationship building.

For more information about the fundraiser you can visit firstgiving.com/emeac or you can contact Lottie Spady at lottie@emeac.org or 313-556-1702 Ext 701

Women In Leadership, Sharing Leadership


DETROIT- The East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC) has named long-time community activist and author, Dr.  Ife Kilimanjaro, co-director as part of a new, shared leadership model for the Detroit-based nonprofit. In celebration of women in leadership and shared leadership, EMEAC invites members of the community to a wine and cheese reception on Friday May 10 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. For tickets and to RSVP please go to emeac.eventbrite.com, call 313-556-1702 or email dee.emeac@gmail.com

The co-directorship decision follows a year and a half long process of rethinking the state of the environmental justice movement in Southeast Michigan, and EMEAC’s place within it. The organization has shifted from traditional ways of approaching environmental justice work, which is often hierarchical, linear and compartmentalized, and committed itself to embedding collaborative practices in its structure.

“We wanted to have our leadership structure better reflect our values of shared leadership and decision-making, people of color and women in leadership positions, and greater continuity of organizational culture and history. “ stated co-director, Diana Copeland “I am very excited about this opportunity and feel we will be able to better serve our community.”

Dr. Kilimanjaro brings with her extensive experience as leader-worker, educator-learner, and writer-researcher. She will share leadership with co-director Diana Copeland, who has overseen the organization as director since 2006.

“I am humbled and honored by this opportunity to support the advancement of justice work in Detroit and beyond with EMEAC staff, allies and supporters.”

The announcement of Dr. Kilimanjaro as co-director will also act as a kick-off for the month long “Windows Campaign,” a fundraising effort to raise over $10,000 to replace aging the windows of Cass Corridor Commons (formerly known as The First Unitarian Universalist Church), the historic set of buildings donated to EMEAC by the First Unitarian Universalist Church after the church found they could not longer keep their doors open to community.

“This window campaign seems like fitting way to launch our new vision,” says Copeland. “ plus, we need new windows! This will save tremendous energy. Many of the windows are cracked or the window seals and trim are rotted through. It will be an uplifting accomplishment for EMEAC and beautiful improvement for these historic buildings.”

East Michigan Environmental Action Council began as a response in the 1960's to environmental concerns in southeast Michigan. A cornerstone of EMEAC's formation was the belief that informing the public about environmental issues would lead to solutions to environmental problems. Founding members and staff established an organization that would always predicate its public information and advocacy on careful research. With the help of our members' continuing support and enthusiasm, EMEAC will continue to pursue its mission to empower the Detroit community to protect, preserve and value the land, air, and water. We build community power through environmental justice education, youth development, and collaborative relationship building.  

For more information about the celebration event, the window campaign or East Michigan Environmental Action Council’s programs, visit www.emeac.org or you may contact Lottie Spady at lottie@emeac.org or 313-556-1702 Ext 701

Climate Justice Resources

April 22, 2013

Climate changes have been taking place in the earth's atmosphere for millions of years.  Since the onset of industrial production, these naturally shifting processes have been accelerating at rates that threaten the lives of human, plant and animal populations, and disrupt both rooted and fragile ecosystems.  

Below are resources on climate change to raise awareness of these changes and the impacts on life.

Here are resources on Environmental Justice and Ecology and Food, Land and Health Justice.


Obama's energy plan cannot seriously address the impending climate crisis (1/30/14). Institute for Policy Studies' Janet Redman is interviewed. She deconstructed the President's energy plan. Very useful. Posted 2/10/14.

Ripe for retirement: an economic analysis of the U.S. coal fleet - 2013 update. Updates to an earlier report demonstrates that as many as 329 coal-fire power generators in 38 states are no longer economically competitive when compared with more clean facilities. Posted 12/10/13.

A jolt to complacency on food supply (11/11/13). Article explores the impact of climate change on food supply, using as an example the impact of weather on the Americna corn belt in 2012. Posted 11/13/13.

Worlds apart: Indigenous leaders abandon faith in UN to find a solution (11/12/13). While thousands gather in Warsaw to discuss climate change, Indigenous leaders from across North America concluded that solutions to climate change will never come through UN talks. Posted 11/13/13.
Climate change may magnify toxic chemical dangers (11/8/13). The article's author reports that climate change could magnify the havoc wrought by long-lasting and pervasive toxic chemicals. Posted 11/9/13.

Global warming seen taking toll on economy, health, crops (11/4/13). "Global warming is expected to take an increasing toll on the economy, food production, fresh water supplies and human health..." Posted 11/4/13.

Warming report sees violent, sick, poorer future (11/2/13). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will release a report on March that anticipates greater hardship worldwide as a result of human-accelerated climate change. Posted 11/3/13.

Executive Order -- Preparing the United States for the impacts of climate change (11/1/13). The White House Office of the Press Secretary issues an executive order on climate change. Posted 11/1/13.

Closing the climate gap: Racial inclusion and the President's first step (6/26/13). A blog post by Anthony Giancatarino from the Center for Social Inclusion on racial inclusion in President Obama's climate plan. The Climate Justice Alliance is mentioned in it. Posted 7/30/13.

A climate plan that changes nothing (7/3/13). An Op-Ed by Arun Mohan Sukumar in The Hindu that critiques President Obama's climate plan for its focus on market-oriented approaches to investment and de-regulation, support for current industrial polluters and lack of accountability to the global community, among other things. Posted 7/3/13.

The Vacant Climate Plan (6/26/13). A response to President Obama's climate plan by climate justice reporter and activist Anne Petermann. Posted 6/27/13).
INFOGRAPHIC: What's in Obama's Climate Change Plan? (6/25/13).

Obama Announces Federal Climate Action Plan (6/26/13). An article that reports on President Obama's climate action plan and includes a fact sheet released by the White House following his speech. There is a link to a video of his speech. Here is the Full Transcript of the President's speech.  Posted 6/27/13.

Study Shows Soil-Building Benefits of Organic Practices (6/25/13). Article cites a recent study that reports organic crops build healthy soil and sequester carbon, making organic agriculture a useful strategy for dealing with climate change. Posted 6/27/13. 

U.S. Tailors Regional Climate Plans to Help Farmers Beat the Heat (6/5/13). Article writes on Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's aim to introduce U.S. Department of Agriculture programs to combat the effects of climate volatility. Posted 6/6/13.

CO2 Levels Top 400 ppm at Hawaii Monitoring Station (5/11/13). An article by Roger Greenway from Environmental News Network. Posted 5/22/13.

International Outcry Against California Offset Scam (5/8/13). A press release by Indigenous Environmental Network that opposes California's Global Warming Solution's Act (AB32), which is posed to include REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation), which is a false solution to climate change. 

EPA faces lawsuit for chronic undercounting of toxic emissions at US oil and gas refineries, chemical plants (5/2/13). Posted 5/6/13


Dealing in Doubt: The climate denial machine vs climate science (2013) A Greenpeace report that exposes the fossil fuel industry's 2 decade campaign of climate denial through a strategy of undermining public confidence in climate science. Posted 9/13/13.

Teaching climate change to skeptics (9/9/13). An article about an effort by the Business and Environment Initiative at Harvard University to shift the debate about climate change from a political disucsusion to a practical conversation. Posted 9/13/13.

Carbon storage could aid climate, but at what cost? (7/3/13). California polluting industries plan to implement technologies that bury carbon dioxide underground; the environmental and human impacts could be devastating. Posted 7/30/13.

Use of coal to generate power rises; greenhouse gas emissions next? (7/10/13). LA Times news article that reports power plants are burning coal more, which is certain to increase carbon emissions. Posted 7/12/13.

Cleaning Up Diesel Trucks and Cooking Stoves Could Reduce Climate Change (6/18/13). An article that presents an argument that if diesel trucks and primitive cook stoves can be cleaned up in China and India, then greenhouse gas build-up would slow. Great example of a false solution that looks good on the surface, but doesn't get at the core issues. Posted 6/20/13.

An Obscure New Rule on Microwaves Can Tell Us A Lot About Obama's Climate Policies (6/5/13). Brad Plummer with the Washington Post discusses what appears to be a recognition by the Obama administration that climate change will be more damaging than previously estimated. Posted 6/11/13.

Climate Change Spurs Shipping to Steer Cleaner Course (5/21/13). An article by Franziska Badenschier that identifies the shipping sector for being responsible for around 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these emissions are generated when goods are transported, whether the destination is domestic or international. Posted 5/22/13.

Food, Farms, Forests and Fracking: Connecting the dots (5/9/13). An article by Zack Saldveer and Ronnie Cummins on Organic Consumers Association that speaks to the multiple factors leading to global warming and it will take a unified effort before its too late. Posted 5/13/13.

How to Fix the Broken Debate on Climate Change (5/1/13). An article in Footnote1 by Andrew Hoffman that reveals the important,but missing voice in the debate on climate change; that of socials scientists.  Social science research has the ability to connect with research on the climate that can help us wade through the "vitriol and understand why climate change has joined...topics you don't mention in polite company without fear of a heated and divisive debate." Posted 5/13/13.

Time for Big Green to Go Fossil Free, by Naomi Klein in The Nation. (5/20/13)

The Fossil Fuel Resistance, by Bill McKibben in Rolling Stone. "As the world burns, a new movement to reverse climate change is emerging - fiercely, loudly and right next door." Posted 5/6/13.


Questions and Answers on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping (6/28/13). A memo by the European Commissions on CO2 emissions in the shipping industry. Posted 7/30/13.

A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests (1/20/13) A video by the Global Justice Ecology Project about the problems of policies and programs to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation and to enhance forest carbon stocks. It is also in Spanish. Posted 7/30/13.

Helping Farmers Deal With Climate Change (6/12/13). A USDA video of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's speech to help farmers and ranchers deal with climate change. Posted 6/20/13.

Climate Vulnerability Monitor. A tool that estimates human and economic impacts of climate change and the carbon economy for 184 countries in 2010 and 2030, across 34 indicators. Posted 5/28/13.

Global Estimates 2012: People displaced by disasters (5/13/13).  A webpage with links to a Global Estimates report, press release and map that reveals that 32.4 million people were forced to flee their homes in 2012 by disasters such as floods, storms and earthquakes.

Climate Finance and Markets is a joint project of the Institute of Policy Studies and the Heinrich Boell Foundation North America. This website serves as a platform for climate activists and advocates interested in gaining a better understanding of the current debates about the roles of public institutions and the private sector in energy and climate-related finance, and their intersection. Posted 5/6/13.

World Social Forum Climate Space Declaration rests on a site created by Grassroots Global Justice Alliance.  The Declaration was created through the activities of the Climate Space at the World Social Forum 2013 in Tunis, Tunisia. Posted 5/6/13.

Window of Opportunity Fundraising Campaign

April 11, 2013

April 8 Update

April 8, 2013

Environmental Justice/Food Justice/Food Sovereignty

·      When Eating Is an Economic Act http://buswk.co/YNbZDT
Why does the buying and selling of food derivatives present not only legal and economic problems, but also social concerns?
·      Instead of Trying to Feed the World, Let’s Help It Feed Itself http://bit.ly/ZhVHyr
We know about the ecological problems that follow when farmers are asked to “feed the world.” What would happen if they just tried to feed their neighbors instead?
·      At World Social Forum, Global Peasant Movement Offers the ‘Peoples Solution’ http://bit.ly/14BWwbe
‘Another world isn’t just possible, it makes sense’
·      Bee Deaths From Colony Collapse Disorder On The Rise As Researchers Point To Pesticides http://huff.to/14tF20m
o   Pesticide makes bees forget the scent for food, new study finds http://bit.ly/YfLuo9
Neonicotinoids block part of the brain bees use for learning, leaving them unable to make link between floral scents and nectar
o   “Nicotine Bees” Population Restored With Neonicotinoids Ban http://bit.ly/H7XsDl
o   How We Could Prevent Massive Bee Deaths and Save Our Food http://bit.ly/15tWNbS
o   Are Agriculture’s Most Popular Insecticides Killing Our Bees? http://n.pr/10aRywj
o   Pesticide Lobby Spends Millions To Defend Chemicals Tied To Bee Deaths http://huff.to/10om1qv
·      Report: Soda Sales Declining At A Quickening Pace http://huff.to/ZqqdXQ
·      An urban farming oasis is saved from the bulldozer blade (Cincinnati, OH) http://bit.ly/ZqgYac
·      Dairy cooperatives stabilize communities in Afghanistan http://bit.ly/Tnmg0a
·      Farm Bots and Two-Month-Old Bread: Innovations in Food and Agriculture http://buswk.co/USsaO1
·      Experts Say (processed) Food May Contribute to Anger, Violent Behavior http://cbsloc.al/13YwaPY
·      FarmedHere, Nation’s Largest Indoor Vertical Farm, Opens In Chicago Area http://huff.to/WLW4SI
Nothing new here at all folks; the same kind of industrial factory farming mentality with all the same EVIL and in a lot of respects, even worse.   
      Ken Kailing
From my understanding, it is rare to turn a profit on these projects. Organic Farmers have a hard time financially, and they’re using far fewer inputs and energy. And what is the energy use on this?
·      Maximus Thaler, Tufts University Student, Wants To Open Café That Serves Discarded Food For Freehttp://huff.to/165cRBe
·      Preserving Biodiversity: As If Life Depends on It http://bit.ly/XAGoz8
·      Turning (Sugar) Beets Into Ethanol: California Farmers Team Up For Unique New Project http://huff.to/14hf5kh
·      As Coffee Rust Devastates Latin America, Colombia’s Cenicafé Leads the Resistance http://huff.to/16U8njY
·      College Park (Orlando, FL) man fights to keep vegetable garden in front yard http://bit.ly/Z1Oeng
Orlando says garden against city code
·       Oceans: Environmental victim or savior? http://bit.ly/YBuncQ
·      Veniamin Balika Allegedly Steals 21 Tons Of Cheese http://huff.to/10UdCh8
·      7 States Running Out of Water http://huff.to/10pw8Ky
·      Restaurant group (MN) pushes back on minimum wage bill http://bit.ly/YEQan4
The Minnesota Restaurant Association released results of a survey today that show 90% of its member would increase menu prices…
No surprise here, the National Restaurant Association has been fighting minimum wage increases for decades…
o   Restaurateurs tell Senate minimum wake hike will hurt http://bit.ly/119raYr
·      New York’s Paid Sick Leave Bill May Serve As Model for US http://huff.to/107OORc
·      Jobless-Discrimination Law In New York City Is Adopted http://huff.to/16kW7YP
·      I say Tomahto, You Say Exploitation http://huff.to/WFmsh1
·      Undocumented Workers’ Grim Reality: Speak Out on Abuse and Risk Deportation http://bit.ly/14B0CQO
Migrants in the low-wage depths of the US economy say they’re being targeted for simply standing up for employees’ rights
·      Labor Unions in the New Economy http://bit.ly/14nn8fW
·      Mill Moyers: Richard Wolf on How Worker-Owned Companies Work http://bit.ly/100CTCg
·      Credit Unions Put Your Money to Work – Right Where You Live http://bit.ly/YrRRBf
What if your bank’s first priority was to do good? Vancouver’s Vancity leads the way in putting dollars back into the community.
            Including help finance an urban farm in Vancouver…
·      Panera Trying New Pay-What-You-Want Experiment http://huff.to/YTT2Zl
·      Farmland prices soar – along with farm debt http://bit.ly/YU2KhB
While small-scale producers of fruits and vegetables are scraping by, it’s a whol ‘nother story for corn and soy farmers…
·      Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi’s Pay Drops To $12.6 Million, As Company Ties Compensation To Performancehttp://huff.to/YOaGO8
·      Walmart’s CEO Paid 1,034 Times More Than The Median Walmart Worker: PayScale http://huff.to/16mLKUl
o   Walmart Sues Grocery Workers Union, Others Who Have Protested At Florida Storeshttp://huff.to/15PD0DS
·      Walmart’s Death Grip on Groceries Is Making Life Worse for Millions of People http://bit.ly/WXeujy
Walmart’s growing control of our food system has been to intensify the rural and urban poverty that drives unhealthy food choices.
·      Customers Flee Wal-Mart Empty Shelves for Target, Costco http://bloom.bg/13s6n3w
Walmart is starting to pay for cutting worker’s hours, as customers look elsewhere and shelves go empty…
o   Wal-Mart shows signs of self-destructing http://on-msn.com/14yAgyJ
Empty shelves and longer checkout lines are pushing many customers to Target and other rivals. What’s going on?
Gleaning, Food Waste & Reuse
·      Living in the United States of Food Waste http://buswk.co/UOMETV
·      7 tips on how to reduce food waste in your kitchen
Save money on food by getting creative with what’s already in your fridge and pantry
Government/Regulation/Policy/Farm Bill
·      Senate Passes Monsanto Protection Act Granting Monsanto Power Over US Govt. http://bit.ly/102lZVj
o   ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ slips silently through US Congress http://bit.ly/YEm2Fa
o   What You Need to know About the Terrifying Monsanto Protection Act http://bit.ly/XMFBLC
o   ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ 5 Terrifying Things To Know About The HR 933 Provisionhttp://bit.ly/100cHdx
o   Biotech Rider a Threat to Farmers and the Environment http://bit.ly/WSdIo0
·      US Senate Passes Amendment in Favor of Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Fish http://bit.ly/106DaVA
·      Big Agriculture flexes its muscle http://politi.co/XJrlmH
·      Why Is Vermont’s Governor Peter Shumlin Bowing to Monsanto? http://bit.ly/10DF0zN
Shumlin has repeatedly expressed reluctance to stand up to Monsanto despite the fact that 90 percent of Vermonters support labeling genetically modified foods.
·      Food Safety modernization Act Testing Requirement Axed In White House Review http://huff.to/11JaqUm
·      Fairness for Small Farmers: A Missing Ingredient in the U.S. Farm Bill http://bit.ly/YdlFn3
·      Record Crop insurance Payout Stirs Subsidy Debate http://abcn.ws/XBRlQT
Farmers will be paid a record $16 billion in crop insurance claims for 2012 because of the widespread drought…
·      Sustainable Food Loses Its Biggest Champion in Washington, D.C. http://bit.ly/13sBE6F
·      2013 EPA National Rivers And Streams Assessment: More Than Half Of Waterways In ‘Poor’ Shapehttp://huff.to/YGty2B
GMOs/Cloning/Food Technology/Poisons
·      The Future of Chocolate: Will it Turn GMO? http://bit.ly/14umfCf
·      Damaging the Circle of Life: Pesticides and GMOs Impact Our Coral Reefs http://bit.ly/X2iO2e
·      BioDemocracy or Corporatocracy: The Food Fight of Our Lives http://bit.ly/14r3Wxq
The biotech industry and Big Food Inc. are acutely aware of the fact that North American consumers, like their European counterparts, are wary and suspicious of GE foods.
·      Food Labeling (CT) Draws Crowd & Some Star Power http://bit.ly/Ytqtsq
Jerry Green field, the “Jerry” in Ben & Jerry’s, host an ice cream social at the (CT) State Capitol…
·      Debate Surrounding GMO Seeds Heats Up As Supermarkets Start Labeling Ingredients http://huff.to/YGZfsy
·      Monsanto’s Death Patents http://bit.ly/11sYuJW
o   Monsanto Bullies Small Farmers Over Planting Harvested GMO Seeds http://bit.ly/XegXHV
·      New paper on dsRNA risks – briefing for non-specialists http://bit.ly/YFilzf
The briefing document below is a summary for the lay person of the paper published yesterday, “A comparative evaluation of the regulation of GM crops or products containing dsRNA and suggested improvements to risk assessment”…
This is scary stuff…
·      Monsanto And DuPont Settle Genetically Modified Seed Battle http://huff.to/YCw1OD
·      Monsanto Co. Contributions to Federal Candidates http://bit.ly/n8Pe95
·      The 3 Companies That Bill Gates Thinks Are Shaping The Future of Food http://bit.ly/14prtz2
If Gates has his way we’re going beyond eggs and meat, using new substitutes that taste the same but that we can make in a lab (petri dish) instead of a farm, so we can feed the entire planet. And then we’re also going to make salt healthy, while we’re at it.
·      EPA Loophole Allows Flood of Pesticides to Litter US Ecosystems http://bit.ly/14B0CQU
Approval process for toxic substance “grievously flawed’ says NRDC
Healthy/Humane/Safe Food & Water
·      Food Fraud Database Lets Us All Play Detective http://n.pr/10LREwA
·      The fight for the right to know (Ag Gag laws, how are our foods produced?) http://bit.ly/108aESa
Undercover video at issue nationwide…
o   ALEC Is Now Deciding What You Eat http://bit.ly/Xo3NDT
·      Alarming New Report Ranks Food & Beverage Companies on Nutrition Efforts http://bit.ly/Yzhu6k
o   MDonald’s Nutritionist Cindy Goody: our Food Is Healthy http://huff.to/11YmzEV
o   Mac & Cheese (processed) Is Nutritionally Equivalent to Cheez-Its http://bit.ly/XBdmzg
·      Wings Gone Wild: Why today’s Chicken Wings Are Ginormous http://bit.ly/165yQrA
Big Bird doesn’t just live on Sesame Street anymore.
·      Activist Blogger ‘Foodbabe’ Scores Big Win With Chipotle http://bit.ly/14wXAwQ
Chipotle works with blogger Vani Hari to make important changes.
·      Backyard Chickens: Cute, Trendy Spreaders of Salmonella http://n.pr/Y8xoos
·      China Sets Up a Food Safety Super-Regulator http://buswk.co/YuRVSZ
o   1,000 Dead Ducks Found In China’s Nanhe River; Pig Carcass Count Continues to Rise (16,000)http://huff.to/YzAgx4
·      Maryland House advances Shark fin ban amid global effort to curb the trade http://bsun.md/ZVdMDp
·      New Study Exposes How Natural Gas Isn’t the Clean Fossil Fuel It’s Hyped up to Be http://bit.ly/101yktV
Leakages of gas in production and distribution systems can lead to higher greenhouse gas levels than burning other fossil fuels like coal and oil.
·      Environmentalists and gas companies sing Kumbaya, create voluntary fracking standards http://bit.ly/100DUfd
o   Sierra Club Blasts ‘Sustainable Shale’ Center’s Partnership Between Industry And Environmental Grouphttp://huff.to/Ytytqq
This one sounds like SUNY Buffalo’s Shale Resources and Society Institute, which they were forced to close due to a study released last year that was influenced by the gas industry http://nyti.ms/XxuXNq
·      Ohio is Not the Nation’s Fracking Waste Toilet http://bit.ly/1449wWi
·      Parachute Creek (CO) spill continues uncontained; cause, source unknown http://bit.ly/ZYreFg
Parachute Creek feeds into the Colorado River…
·      Can Fracking and Farming Mix in America’s Biggest Ag State? http://bit.ly/YKvfvR
As energy companies buy up oil rights in California, questions are raised about the safety of the nation’s food supply.
·      Three Bills Seek to Halt California Fracking http://bit.ly/YaxzQa
·      Gar Lperovitz: What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution: Workplace Democracyhttp://bit.ly/Zx5PV6
April 25, 7:30pm, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave., Berkeley California,
·      Slow Money 4th National Gathering, April 29 – 30, 2013, Boulder, CO http://bit.ly/neWi54
·      Bag it: is your life too plastic? http://www.bagitmovie.com/
o   19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons of Plastic From the World’s Oceans http://bit.ly/11E4ZK2