Staff & Board

November 8, 2010

    Executive Leadership Team (as proposed):

    Darryl Eley Jordan, Senior Organizer

    Darryl has been an organizer for more than 35 years on a variety of issues including health & wellness, hunger and food security, union and labor rights, human rights, peace, diversity/anti-racism/people of color, block club/neighborhood/community organizing, immigration and self determination. Darryl came to EMEAC in 2014 as a senior organizer to work on Just Transition issues such as water, food and land justice and community resilience.  

    Piper Carter, Commons Events Coordinator

    Piper Carter is currently the events coordinator and in charge of new initiatives for the Cass Corridor Commons at EMEAC. Piper currently lives inside the city of Detroit.  She is part of the Environmental Justice Movement in Detroit as well as the Digital Justice Coalition, Maker Space, Food justice, and Entertainment Justice communities.  Her two main initiatives outside of the Commons include The Foundation of Women in Hip Hop and TheStudioArena.


    Dee Collins, Finance Director

    Dee joined EMEAC in 2012 as Finance Director.  With over 30 years experience in finance and accounting, she has worked for various non-profits in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Dee has also volunteered for numerous churches and non-profits to help with bookkeeping challenges. 


    Priscilla Dziubek, Environmental Programs Coordinator
    Priscilla is a community activist involved locally in the international struggle for water as a human right, held in the public trust, as a precious resource.  She is coordinator of our inter-generational gardening program, Gardening Angels, and instructs environmental labs within Detroit Public Schools.  She is a master composter and was instrumental in establishing the Barbara Jordan school garden.  Currently, Priscilla is planning gardening activities for the summer months that will involve both students and community seniors. EMAIL:

    2014 Board of Directors
    • Fred Vitali - Michigan Welfare Rights Organization
    • Dr. Gloria House - Marygrove University, Professor
    • Lencha Acker - Member, First Unitarian Universalist Detroit 
    • Dr. Nick Schroeck - Wayne State University Law School, Professor